Monday, May 31, 2010

Blog No. 4,587,235,683,001

I feel so special. There are now 47 blogs for every man, woman and child on Earth.

The topic of this blog? To chronicle rejections I get in my attempt to get fiction published. It will not be a vent against agents, who are obviously completely correct in throwing my crap out of their offices as quickly as possible and then, perhaps, getting the place fumigated following that.

No, almost all of these agents are so incredibly nice it amazes me. Dealing with jerks like most writers are, how do they do it? I don't know, but I like agents.


And if you decided to represent me and any one of my novels I would like you even better. I would even be your very special friend.

Alas, as with my fiction, I am sure that I will be writing to myself in this blog. This is OK, because mostly I am the person I talk to — along with those other people in my head.

As I get rejected, I will pass it along, with whatever nice note I get. I'll even do some catch-up with some of the more special rejections I have been privileged to get.

But maybe if any other poor slob out there who is also trying to get published reads this they will realize that they are not alone.

There are millions of us.

We are an army. A very bad army, but an army nonetheless.

Yours in rejection,
