Saturday, October 16, 2010

Writing all day

On certain days, I would like to do nothing but write all day.

Working a full-time job leaves little time for writing and that doesn't even include all the other responsibilities I have, plus the desire to - every now and then - do something other than work.

And I can't forget about the "fatigue factor." If on a weekday I am able to write more than an hour on the rejection project I feel lucky. Last night, for instance, it was about 20 minutes, which did give me the time to write one good paragraph and kind of begin to work out of a jam in the narrative.

At least I think I would like to write a full day. It could be that, if given the opportunity, I would write productively for one hour then be stuck for the next eight or ten hours.

Rejection project status: 21,202 words.

Yours in rejection,


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