Monday, November 1, 2010

East of Eden

I spent a great deal more time reading over the weekend than writing.

Being a reader does not automatically make you a writer, but I cannot imagine being even a mediocre writer without being a voracious reader.

I am reading East of Eden, which is about the only John Steinbeck novel I had not read to this point. I think I was daunted by its size, but then I gave and and dove into it.

What a wonderful book. If I could write like that....

But how silly, only a handful of people who have ever lived can write like that and I am not wonderful.

If you have not read it, I encourage you to do so. Oddly, I picked it up after having to set aside the only Toni Morrison book I have not been able to get into, A Mercy. I haven't given up on Morrison's book, but I'm glad I picked up this one!

Rejection project status: 29,200 words, 104 pages

Yours in rejection,


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