Monday, November 8, 2010

Writing with ease

Some nights (I almost always write at night) I can stare at the screen all night and work my butt off to get out one mediocre sentence.

Other nights, like last night, I feel as if I could finish the entire book and I cannot type quickly enough to get the words out.

Of course, the sentences are still mediocre, but at least they come quickly.

This is not surprising but if you were to have asked me before I started to write I could not have told you what kind of night it was going to be. I don't start out feeling particularly juiced one night and dry as a bone the next.

It either happens or it doesn't. Most of the time I can get it going, but I definitely know the quality of the writing is better on some nights than others.

So what do I do? I write through it. Even though I know the writing is lacking, I put it down and move on. I know I am coming back through many times to rewrite. I don't want to stop just because I cannot think of one right word.

Is this the right way to do it? Beats me. I've never published a word of fiction. My guess is the right way is whatever works for you. Sort of like batting stances, everybody has their own.

Rejection project status: 34,506 words in 122 pages.

Yours in rejection,


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