Saturday, December 4, 2010

The boy can still write

After two weeks of not writing a word, I worked on the latest rejection project last night and then again today.

Last night's session was pretty tough, no doubt about it. I had to force myself a great deal and think I just wrote about a page, but that was still better than nothing. The longer I wrote the easier it got.

Today was completely different. I wrote like there had never been a hiatus.

Writing is a habit, pure and simple. When you don't write you get out of the habit. Because it is work (unlike some people believe) it is a lot easier just to skip it, sort of like I have skipped all those exercise lessons all my life.

It feels very good to be writing again. The next few weeks present some challenges to writing, but I am going to try to do it, even if it is only a few paragraphs. That is better than nothing

Rejection Project update: 41,690 words in 148 pages.

Yours in Rejection,


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