Friday, December 3, 2010


I haven't written - anything - since Nov. 21.

Not quite true. I wrote what I had to at work and last night I fleshed out two poems. Even though you might wish it otherwise, life sometimes intervenes.

So I haven't felt like putting words together and getting back into the groove has not been all that easy, either.

I haven't tried working on the latest rejection project yet but when I close this out I am going to give it a whirl.

We'll see. I am not overly optimistic.

But eventually, it will come back because it is what I do and just about all I do.




  1. Sometimes a way of life chooses you and you get stuck. Only you can change that. But as long as you love what you do and it makes you happy, then you're motorization will come back. Life often gets in the way with what we love.

  2. Is what you love worth more than your family when what you love is yourself? No. You have a duty to your family and you have failed them. You have broken your vow to God to love and honor your wife and the children she gave you. May you burn in hell forever!
