Saturday, July 31, 2010

Back from Brazil

My sojourn to Brazil is done and with it I came back with the conviction that Lost in Translation had to be rewritten. The more I view the manuscript the more it seems to me that it really is truly lacking in what it takes. The idea is still good, I think, but the execution was just not up to the standards that I need.

The question is: Am I good enough to make it good enough?

Who knows? All I know to do is to keep plugging away.

I haven't written much over the last two months, honestly. I was pretty drained after finishing the manuscript, then doing all the querying.

I am also not completely sure I will pick it right up again. Might try a little poetry to begin with and ease back into it. I have some general ideas about Lost in Translation, but nothing definitive.

In other words, I'm a bit lost about Lost. We'll see which direction it takes.

Yours in rejection,



  1. You have what it takes. Don't give up. You write wonderfully. I've written a few poems too, on my blog at Not any good, but fun.

  2. So you let your whores critique your writing as well as your giving a blow job? More rejection?
