Sunday, July 11, 2010

Two things I WILL NOT do

The first is that I am NOT going to self-publish. No matter what. If the experts don't think I can bring in enough money to pay for the effort, I'm not going to test that opinion. I have - and will - put in the effort to write, but I'm not going to spend the money, too.

Second, I will NOT do a John Kennedy Toole.

Toole wrote "A Confederacy of Dunces," which is a hilarious book and I love it, but he couldn't get it published.

So he offed himself in despair.

His mother kept the dream alive and eventually got it published.

I am not in despair from all these rejections and I suppose one of the points of this blog is that, if anyone happens across it, to not fall into that hole, either.

Publishing is certainly nice and I desire it, but the writing is what matters.

Oh, a third thing I will not do. I will not make a collection of my columns (which would almost certainly mean self-publishing anyway).

If you want to self-publish, I'm not criticizing that, it just isn't for me.

However, if you are thinking of jumping in front of a truck because you can't get published, my firm advice would be against it.

Yours in rejection,


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