Thursday, September 23, 2010

Knight in Shining Armor, Ltd.

That's my new title for my latest exercise in rejection that I've been working on. The Ltd. is supposed to be italicized, but I couldn't do that in the title. Of course, it could change a dozen more times.

I just passed the 10,000-word marker and have been writing almost every night on it, picking up speed with each passing night.

Still have a few major hurdles to overcome on this one, but I am warming to it. The 10,000-word level is usually the first sign that I am really on to something. I have half-a-dozen projects I have started and written 7,000 or 8,000 words and then...just...nothing.

When do I know it is really going to make? Usually when I get between 25,000 to 30,000 words. By that time I will either have worked out my problems or found they are insurmountable.

I can hardly wait to start the rejection parade again! Exciting, that's what it is.

Yours in rejection,


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