Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Writing contests

I have only entered one writing contest and it is a big one: The annual Writer's Digest short story contest. I would imagine there are tens of thousands of entries.

I would hate to judge the thing!

All of this horde will find out by Oct. 22 how we fared according to the rules. I have no expectations, but I will be interested in seeing who wins, or rather the kind of story that wins. I liked my story, but that is pretty meaningless. It would be impossible, but I would also like to know where my story ranked along the continuum. Well, it is impossible unless you win or get one of the top 25 prizes.

Still, it was fun to enter and Writer's Digest is also having a short-short story contest. No more than 1,500 words. Just look on the Web site if you are interested. I'm going to enter it, too. These things must be real money-makers.

It does cost you $20 to enter and the top prize is $3,000. You can enter as many times as you want, but I would advise working on one story until you are absolutely sick of it and making it the best you can.

I'll let you know later this month if I get a letter in the mail telling me I'm a winner, but I would advise you to remember the title of this blog.

Yours in rejection,


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