Wednesday, September 1, 2010

So what will I do in my 56th year?

Looking back, I didn't have such a bad double-nickle, though I did not meet my goal of finding an agent. I thought it was going to happen a few times, but it just didn't.

Such is life, and all that. Rejections ground me more than acceptance ever would. Besides that, I surely know I am not alone in the world.

In fact, over here in the rejection side of life it is damn crowded.

But in my 55th year I rewrote a novel, completely wrote another one, wrote a raft of poetry, wrote half-a-dozen short stories and did all that querying trying to find an agent.

The last couple of months HAVE been kinda draggy, but that is still a lot of work to do during roughly 10 months — not to mention that I have a day job to worry about.

So I feel pretty good about it all — but I won't feel good if I can't get re-energized.

I have written four or five poems in the last few weeks, all in various stages of revision. A couple of them have promise. That is a beginning, but I don't think poetry is my strongest talent. That means it will probably be the only place I am ultimately published.

Such is life!

Yours in rejection,



  1. Post your poems! And I could give you some suggestions on what to do in your 56th year!

  2. So where did abandoning your wife and family come in? Did it help your writing? Any more than your whoring around?
