Sunday, November 14, 2010

Another contest

I just sent in my entry to the Writers' Digest short-short story contest. It is bound to be a tough competition as the top prize is $3,000 and second is $1,500.

This is the second Writers' Digest contest I have entered, the mainstream short story contest just announced the winners and I did not mark in the top 100.

I think I'm going to keep entering the contests, no matter what the result, even if I never make that top 100. True, it does cost $20 to enter, but that is the only downside. You are forced to write something different, to think of something to write out of the air.

That has to be good to help you stretch yourself.

I'm also pretty sure I will enter the poetry contest. Now that one is a real challenge for me. But I will be interested to see who the winners are.

If you have the $20 to spare, I think you ought to try, too. You can find out about all of their contests at

Good luck to you and to me.

Yours in rejection,


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