Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bridging the "gap"

Here is what happens to me sometimes when I write: I am in a particular scene and the writing is going well. I also know what is going to happen "next." No problem, right?

Not always.

Because while one scene is nearly written and the next scene is well-thought out iun my head, sometimes there is just this little gap in getting between scene one and scene two.

This is where some of my worst writing takes place. It may happen to others too. I don't see it in the published books I read - well I rarely see it, anyway - but those manuscripts have been well-messaged.

I think the best writers learn how to deal with this much more effectively than I have. Another good reason for reading. Watch how the great authors move their stories along without this awkwardness. I think I need to pay a bit better attention.

Rejection project status: 35,952 words in 127 pages.

Yours in rejection,


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