Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crossing 40,000

I came to two conclusions tonight in writing. the first is that this rejection project is going to go longer than 80,000 words. I don't believe I am halfway through the writing process and I have now written a few more than 40,000 words. I still think it will be under 90,000.

More importantly, I could tell I am not going to meet my self-imposed deadline of the end of the year. This project - written as a suspense - is more difficult to write, even on the first draft.

In suspense, I am finding the "pieces" have to fit together intricately. Maybe I should have paid the same attention with the last two projects and they would have been better.

Anyway, where I could write a good thousand words in a night before, the suspense project is much more likely to be held to 500-600 a night. That adds up.

It doesn't really matter, but I AM learning something new every time I write. I suppose that is what it is all about.

Current rejection project status: 40,088 words in 141 pages.

Yours in rejection,


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