Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Licking my wounds

As it turns out, my entry in the Writer's Digest short story contest was not only not among the top winners, it was not among the top 100 mainstream short stories submitted.


Don't I get rejection enough?

Honestly, this just might be the toughest contest to make a mark in. Thousands of people enter, but I was hoping to make that top 100. It was not to be.

I'll get over it quickly enough. The only danger in rejection is dwelling on it and I don't do that. I am still entering the short-short story contest and my story is already written. I'm just holding onto it for any polishing it might take.

Besides, I'm absolutely sure that my story was No. 101. It just barely didn't make the cut, that's all.

OK, maybe it was No. 102.

Yours in rejection,


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