Friday, November 12, 2010

Worth the work?

The question is, if you are doomed to write nothing but rejection projects (unpublished novels) is all the work worth it?

I'm not giving up the idea of getting published by an stretch but the reality is when any of us writes a novel the only thing we are guaranteed at the end of the day is the finished piece.

And don't think it isn't work. It is simply impossible to write 85,000 words without a lot of hard - damn, damn hard - work. Even if it is a bunch of crap at the end of the day, getting there is still tough.

So would it be worth it if you knew for sure you could not be published?

Everyone must answer that for himself (herself) but for me the answer is, yes, it is still worth it.

Writing gets something out of you. It is sort of like taking a dose of the salts for your brain. Published or not, it is still quite an accomplish to finish a novel. Loot at it this ways, millions of people start novels but the number who actually produce a novel each year is tiny by comparison.

So here's to us writing rejects. May we some day find our publisher and, if not, may we never question the worth of what we are doing.

Rejection project status: 37125 words in 131 pages.

Yours in rejection,

Phil Latham

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