Thursday, June 17, 2010

First step: Believe in yourself

As I've said, all the agents who have awarded me with rejection have been either nice (often) or professional (always).

Still, the attempt to get published is not for the faint of heart. The initial writing is nothing compared to the ongoing work that happens afterward. To continue to do it in the face of constant rejection takes some serious loin-girding.

You must believe in yourself because in the beginning very few others will and perhaps in some cases no one will. I can absolutely count on the fingers of one hand the people who really think I can do this — and that includes me.

If this depresses you, think about it a moment. How many people do you know who could tell you they were trying to get a novel published would you really believe had a real chance to be successful? I'm guessing there are very few.

So don't worry about that. The disbelief of others is natural. Just believe in yourself and don't stop. I may never be successful in finding an agent or a publisher but it won't ruin my life. I'm engaged in work I love and any work that is worthwhile is always difficult, leaning toward impossible.

Yours in rejection,


1 comment:

  1. I believe in your work and I know you will get published someday!
