Monday, June 21, 2010

A 'nice' rejection; time to send more queries

I got a nice rejection today from Ann Rittenberg.

A "nice" rejection in my definition is one that is not just a small piece of paper or a card that apologizes for the impersonal nature of the rejection.

A nice rejection is actually personalized, cites you by name and is actually signed by the agent.

In my imagination (which is all that matters in these instances) a nice rejection is one step up the ladder from the form rejection and shows a bit of respect.

If this isn't true please don't tell me. Ignorance is bliss.

I believe the Rittenberg rejection to be the last still outstanding. Since I have one group, maybe two groups, of queries left to send, I will do that this week.

When the last queries are sent I will have some serious deciding on what to do with my second novel, Found in Translation.

But I'll worry about that tomorrow, not today.

Yours in rejection,


1 comment:

  1. So glad to know you're blogging! Congratulations!
    Would like to suggest that you watch (again?) "Julie and Julia" for encouragement to remain tenacious, persevering and steadfast. The Meryl Streep parts, not the Amy Adams (even though I love her) parts. xxx
