Sunday, June 20, 2010

To rewrite, or to forge ahead? Part 1

This is likely to be a multi-post argument as I try to decide whether to rewrite my second novel from an adult mainstream into young adult. Or a rewrite from adult into a much edgier novel. Or do nothing at all and just keep trying

Quite some decisions, huh?

But, frankly, I'm not getting nearly as much interest as I thought I would with novel No. 2. In fact, it has been far less than I got from my first novel. This is surprising because novel No. 1 is fairly convoluted — I'm not going to bore you with the details, but trust me, it is. Novel No. 2 is highly plot-driven. It goes from point A to point B, though the reader doesn't know where point B is until near the end, it is a logical progression.

The first novel got a lot of attention from agents and I believe I was close a couple of times. Rather, I should say a few agents led me to believe I was close.

Agent Felicia Eth said novel No. 2 didn't work because it was "too much like a docudrama." I have pondered this a great deal.

I began writing the second novel with the idea it would be YA and then diverged after I got into it. I have some ideas for going in either direction, but I'm not sure I have given it a full-enough chance yet as it is.

Probably spend today thinking about it. I haven't written much in two weeks and I'm getting itchy.

Yours in rejection,


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