Thursday, June 10, 2010

In Search of Bigfoot

Maybe what I really need instead of an editor to read my book is a tailor.

But, on second thought, most agents assure me it is not the crap-osity of my writing that leads them to say "no," but the that that they wouldn't "fit" with my work.

"Thank you for thinking of me, but I do not feel I am the right fit for this," one agent writes me.

See, it isn't my fault at all. The agent just isn't the right fit.

So I keep wondering what an agent would look like who would "fit" my work.

Frankenstein? That thing from Alien? Maybe the Predator.

Or maybe a drag queen.

I don't need to write, I just need to go on a search for the Bigfoot of agents.

Yours in rejection,


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