Monday, October 4, 2010

A first re-read

As everyone knows, re-reading and re-writing is the real chore of creating a novel - or, as in my case, a rejection project.

So last night, instead of writing further on Knight in Shining Armor, Ltd. I did a first re-read, re-write from the top. I do this periodically, in hopes of not going too far astray. It is easy to catch the really, really bad parts of your writing.

What is not so easy is catching the not-very-good parts and that (I'm guessing) is what turns a rejection project into a finished and published novel, or it is at least one of the things.

Because you wrote it, you tend to like it, get amused with the same turns of phrase that you liked a few weeks, or months ago.

But a lot of it is probably crap. Which is why other people should read it, but unless you have someone who is both actually not biased in favor of your work — and who knows a noun from an adverb — then the results of having it read may not be that helpful.

So you try to turn a critical eye to it, but I'm not sure how good that "eyesight" really is. The good news is I've changed much. The bad news is I don't if I've changed it for the better or for the worse.

Yours in rejection,


1 comment:

  1. Try letting Jack read it. He is more than objective and knows a little bit about nouns. With his ego, he'd love the opportunity.
