Thursday, October 28, 2010

Someone is out there

I wouldn't exactly say that readership of this blog has "exploded," but it is interesting that there has been a definite uptick in views over the last month.

In the first month or so, I would get probably two or three reads a day. I mostly knew who was doing the reading as they were friends of mine. Now I get about 20 views a day.

As I said, no explosion, but at least I don't know the first names of everyone who is looking in.

I know this because the blog stats record the origin nation of the viewer. Of course, almost all the views are from the United States, but a surprising number come from France (?!). About a dozen other nations are represented in the list. This week, someone from India looked in.

Thanks for reading. I hope a little of what I am writing about helps someone in their own journey to get published. At the very least you know that there are others out who are struggling in the same way you are.

The message I am trying to get across above all other things is keep plugging away. Don't stop writing. Never stop writing.

Yours in rejection,


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