Saturday, October 30, 2010

Writing sessions

A writer friend of mine told me once that when you are writing you should never "write yourself out," that is, you should always stop for the day before you have finished all you have thought of to create.

That way, he reasoned, you would always have a starting place the next day. Voila! No writer's block and a quick start to your next session.

That sounded reasonable to me and so I tried it and found it was almost impossible to do. The more I tried it, the less I liked it. In fact, sometimes I found that by the next writing session, sometimes I had forgotten exactly where I was going. That may mean the "inspiration" wasn't so good in the first place.

Or it might mean I missed an opportunity.

This is a tactic for any writers who might stumble upon this blog and it could work for you. But it doesn't work for me.

Who knows how many such strategies are out there to help us be successful? Probably each writer has half a dozen and most of them only work for that one writer.

The point is just because one strategy does not work for you does not mean there is something wrong with you. It just means you have to find another path.

Status of current rejection project: 28,211 words; 99 pages

Yours in rejection,


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