Monday, October 11, 2010

The march forward

I wrote 2,000 words last night, which is about double what I would do on a normal night, but sometimes Sundays can be more productive.

I should explain that when I say "wrote 2,000 words," I'm not trying to say that they were 2,000 good words, or that they will not all change in the first re-write. This is not the time to worry about that.

Part of the difficulty of writing (my opinion) is getting past the hurdle of actually putting words down, to move them from the safety of your brain, where no one will ever see them, to paper or computer where there is the possibility that they will be discovered.

Just prying them from your brain is the beginning, but it is not the hardest part. Once you have done that you must convince yourself that these thoughts and words are mere ore that must be processed and that, without that, they are fairly useless to anyone.

But first steps are good. Brain to computer document. I still have a long way to go with that.

Yours in rejection,


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