Monday, October 18, 2010

I wonder if this happens to other writers?

Here is something odd - or maybe normal I don't know.

I can write myself into a corner that I can't get out of.

It happened this weekend when I had a character fall asleep at a certain point, which effectively stopped the action of my main character. It seemed perfectly proper to write it in this manner at the time. Character A was tired and Character B needed time to think.

But I discovered I had made Character A so tired that she would not quickly wake up, which gave Character B - my main character - too much time to do nothing. So I wandered around in this mish-mash for 500 words or so trying to make it work, writing a bunch of drivel.

It is tough just hit the delete key on 500 words but that is what I eventually had to do. It hurt initially but felt a lot better once I got going again.

I always have the feeling that other writers - you know, those who actually get published - don't have these kinds of problems. I wonder if that is true? Probably never know.

Status of Rejection Project: 22,333 words.

Yours in Rejection,


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