Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The process

Since I am Mr. Rejection anyone who stumbles onto this blog would do well to take any advice I have with some trepidation. I am obviously just learning and, since this is largely self-taught, you never quite know when you are going in exactly the wrong direction.

Hmmmmm, since I've never had anything published, maybe that would be a clue for me....

But I have a feeling that the process is important. I mean, not just the writing and the final product, but how you get to that point, the number of times you re-write, how you proof, how you make decisions about plot, character, well you get the picture. There are likely 100 points of process.

I'm not saying that the successful writer necessarily makes all the correct decisions every time, but I believe the process is vital and not just the art of the work.

All conjecture, of course, take it for what it is worth.

Yours in rejection,


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