Thursday, October 14, 2010

Resistance of self

I am about 21,000 words on Knight in Shining Armor, Ltd, which is probably about 25 percent through the writing process. You never quite know, but the other two novels I have written have been between 80,000 and 90,000 words.

I don't have a target, though that might not necessarily be a bad idea. If you were determined not to let your manuscript go beyond, say, 80,000 words, at some point you would begin choosing your words much more wisely. I have a feeling this is some of the problem with my writing.

But here is something interesting: As I get to each little milestone, and even though I have now worked out some of the biggest problems with the story, I still try to convince myself that it isn't going to go to completion. I do this in ways large and small, obvious and subtle.

But my own negativity is not enough to stop me. I wonder why?

Yours in rejection,


1 comment:

  1. Because you are better than you will allow yourself to believe.
