Sunday, October 24, 2010

We interrup this regularly scheduled writing...

I decided on a whim last night that it was time to do another re-through and edit before I went any further.

This is odd because I'm on a roll, know exactly where I am taking the characters and the all important "what happens next."

But I don't want to neglect this sense that I need to re-group, work on what I have so far then forge ahead. I almost wrote, "I've learned not to neglect these feelings...." But that would be goofy since one could easily say that the Master Rejector has not learned anything just yet.

So the next few days will be consumed with going over it word by word.

Part of the reason for this is that I've just started reading "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck. What a book! His descriptive phrasing has to be the most precise ever.

I'll keep updating, especially if I find some egregious errors.

Rejection project status: 26,302 words in 93 pages.

Yours in rejection,


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